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In an Industry where digital marketing is king, do we still need print marketing?

You've no doubt seen the statistics...

  • 77% of people prefer to receive promotional marketing via email,

  • Email marketing along with social media, are leading the race in terms of building effective brand awareness

In real terms, an effective digital marketing pitch can be the difference between winning a listing or losing to a competitor. Your reach and engagement in the digital space can be the difference between selling at asking price or well over it.

But is there still a place in the industry for Print Marketing? And if so, how do successful agents find a balance?

If the strength of digital marketing is frequency and reach, the power behind print is longevity and gravitas.

As an agent, you know that you’re finding buyers online; but your potential vendors may not! That’s why you pay premium rent for an office in a central location. An established office with plenty of Sold stickers in the front window helps concrete your image as a long-standing and important member of the business community.

With a smartphone in every pocket, no one needs a printed flyer at an Open House. But that printed flyer is much easier to leave on the kitchen counter for a partner to see, or to pass off to an interested neighbour. The permanence of printed material means that these pieces of paper, with your logo and contact details, stay front-of-mind a good deal longer than a phone screen.

If you knew that each of your Property Booklets was being seen by multiple people, even people who you had never met, they would be a lot more valuable than a Facebook post!

The important part is to balance all of these different arms of marketing with time and cost-effective strategies that allow you to maximise your exposure with minimum effort.

Using the ReNet CRM, you can automatically generate professionally designed window cards, open house brochures, property booklets & more. There’s no time spent editing layouts in difficult design programs or re-entering listing information in multiple places.

At ReNet, we acknowledge that a strong digital marketing strategy is essential. It’s why our advanced eMarketing tools, reporting & touchpoints tracking solutions have been tailored by agents for agents. However there is still a place for printed marketing resources in real estate. Marrying the two together is any agent’s best chance at remaining relevant and front-of-mind for both buyers and sellers.

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